Thursday, December 6, 2007

We leave in less than 24 hours

So much to still do!!! ............. Nanny gifts, Bibi's orphanage gifts, paperwork & banking business, making sure everything is in order for Bobby's stay with his older sister and the adult day program in Florida, housecleaning, packing and re-packing, and even Christmas preparations! I have three lists: High priority, medium and low. The medium and low just got cut.

If this blog should be silent when we get there, then we are having difficulty with China's internet. If that occurs, we will have our oldest daughter, Jessica, post updates for us. I doubt I will have time to write anything else until we get settled in Dec 9th. So, until then Xie xie (thank you) for everyone's support, Boa Boa (Big hugs) and Zai Jian (goodbye) for now.



Unknown said...

Helen and I are thrilled for you all! We'll be praying for a wonderful gotcha day and a meaningful time for BOTH of your younger daughters.

Claudette Prather said...

I am so excited and I feel like a sister in the waiting room! "You will not believe it, but I was at a store and I found a beautiful little "Chinese" toy for each of the girls. Safe trip for all and tell Eli I said Merry Christmas as well.

A Christmas Past

