Today has been a full day already and its only 2:30pm. For starters, Ping Ping is coming out of her shell. She cried today because her daddy held her when she wanted to run. At lunch, she fed herself.
We visited the embroidery museum which is famous in Hunan. I have attached some photos of the embroidery here. It is so fine, the art work looks like oil paintings instead of embroidery. There is also embroidery that is two sided. On one side is one thing, and when you turn it, the back makes a different design. See the tiger and panda bear photo.......its the same piece of embroidery. Bibi really enjoyed watching the woman making the embroidery too.
We dined "hot pot" style. That is where the food is brought raw and you put it in the center of the table, into the "hotpot". Kind of like Fondue, its a fun way to eat.
We also saw some other beautiful sights and did a little shopping. Right now the girls are watching Frosty the Snow Man, on our portable DVD player. Makes me feel homesick for my "Santa Bob". I will be home soon, Bobby..........and then we will watch A Christmas Story together. I love you, Bobby. Keep being good for Jess and Matt. We will have a good Christmas together.
For the rest, its time for our mid noon nap.
1 comment:
Ni Hao-(I bet U like when I say that!)I'm sooo very glad that Shu Ping has cried a little. What a relief-I'm sure there will be a lot more tears on U'r way home-I love the photos of the art work-(U remember when I was preg.and when Danny was little I used to do hoop enbroirdery?) of course not that good! I love to see and read about everything. On the show Surivor In China last night they showed the cooking in the "hotpot"so this am when I read that I knew just what U ment. (It was the sham show that showed the Great Wall of China--Tell the girls and Steve I said hi-hug BiBi for me and Danny (and lick her on her cheeck for my doggie Charlie) Shye-shye for the update and photos. Love:PROUD Aunt Marla/ U'r Mei-mei
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