Saturday, December 15, 2007

!st Plane Ride

Ping Ping enjoyed the plane ride. Bibi pouted a bit because of sharing the attention and taking turns at the window. We said goodbye to our guide and Ping told her she was happy to be going with her new family. I wonder if she thinks this place is home then? I will have our new guide tell her it isn't. We went out to diner last night and dined outside under the lit Banyan trees. It was nice to be only wearing tee shirts in the warm tropical air. We slept good and are off to see an ancient temple. Later today, Ping may be enjoying her first swim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ni hao-I like the photos-Shye shye....Jie jie
love to all-Proud Aunt Marla-u'r Mei me(those r the only 4 words I know so don't expect any more-hahaha :)

A Christmas Past

