Its the morning of the third day with us together. Bibi and I still have jet lag. The silver lining in that is we spend some secret quiet time together sharing thoughts and hugs. This morning at 3:30 am we tipped toed to the foyer of our room and ate my American snacks and junk food under flash light. We named all the people, pets and things we miss back home. After naming everyone and everything, Bibi said; " I miss Bobby the much" translated: "I miss Bobby the most".
We have still not heard or seen one tear drop out of Ping Ping. Attachment experts always emphasize the importance of a child grieving when leaving their orphanage. I do believe she is grieving evident by her quiet moments and refusing new toys, shoes or clothes from us. She will wear the pjs, but then wants right back into her day clothes from the orphanage again.
She ate a few meat balls last night and drank a yogurt drink several times yesterday. She talks to Bibi in full Chinese sentences at least 6-8 words long. Bibi goes along with it, but has no idea what she is saying 3/4 of the time.
We are getting dressed now for breakfast. I am letting Ping wear the same outfit again. As long as it doesn't stink too bad, its ok for us.
Happy Birthday to my sister, Marilee. Good night, sleep tight America. -Donna
I finally figured out how to respond!!! You are probably on your way right now to ChangNing. I can't wait to hear how your visit went. Shu Ping is beautiful and it looks like she really enjoys her new big sister Bibi!!! You all are in our prayers!!
donna i am so proud of you and all your strength and fight for this moment. you are an amazing mother!! congratulations
Their matching pjs look like when we were little and we went around asking "am I Donna or Marla?"
even though we were 3 1/2yrs apart -I bet having BiBi w/u is a big help to Ping Ping!
hugs and kisses to my girls-and to both of u
Danny laughs at the upclose photos of the girls, and says "Donna"LOVE: Aunt Marla
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